New Paper: Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on addictive behavior and brain glucose metabolism in problematic online gamers

New publication in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions

Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on addictive behavior and brain glucose metabolism in problematic online gamers

Hyeonseok Jeong , Jin Kyoung Oh, Eun Kyoung Choi, Jooyeon Jamie Im, Sujung Yoon, Helena Knotkova, Marom Bikson, In-Uk Song, Sang Hoon Lee, & Yong-An Cho

Journal of Behavioral Addictions | (2020) |

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Abstract: Background and aims: Some online gamers may encounter difficulties in controlling their gaming behavior. Previous studies have demonstrated beneficial effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on various kinds of addiction. This study investigated the effects of tDCS on addictive behavior and regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (rCMRglu) in problematic online gamers. Methods: Problematic online gamers were randomized and received 12 sessions of either active (n 5 13) or sham tDCS (n 5 13) to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex over 4 weeks (anode F3/cathode F4, 2 mA for 30 min, 3 sessions per week). Participants underwent brain 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography scans and completed questionnaires including the Internet Addiction Test (IAT), Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS), and Behavioral Inhibition System/Behavioral Activation System scales (BIS/ BAS) at the baseline and 4-week follow-up. Results: Significant decreases in time spent on gaming (P 5 0.005), BIS (P 5 0.03), BAS-fun seeking (P 5 0.04), and BAS-reward responsiveness (P 5 0.01), and increases in BSCS (P 5 0.03) were found in the active tDCS group, while decreases in IAT were shown in both groups (P < 0.001). Group-by-time interaction effects were not significant for these measures. Increases in BSCS scores were correlated with decreases in IAT scores in the active group (b 5 0.85, P < 0.001). rCMRglu in the left putamen, pallidum, and insula was increased in the active group compared to the sham group (P for interaction < 0.001). Discussion and conclusions: tDCS may be beneficial for problematic online gaming potentially through changes in self-control, motivation, and striatal/insular metabolism. Further larger studies with longer follow-up period are warranted to confirm our findings.

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CCNY Neural Engineering supports NYC Neuromodulation 2020 conference

The CCNY Neural Engineering group, including the Bikson lab, Parra lab, and Dmochowski lab, contributed centrally to the NYC Neuromodulation 2020 conference. This is the fourth NYC Neuromodulation 2020 conference since it was founded by Prof. Marom Bikson in 2013, and run in 2015, in 2017, in 2018 with the North American Neuromodulaiton Society (NANS), and in 2019 with Neurovations. Prof. Bikson has served as co-chair of all NYC Neuromodulaiton conferences.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic the NYC Neuromodulaiton 2020 conference was held online in two separate sessions: oral talks session on April 20-22, 2020 and a poster session on Dec 18-22, 2020. The NYC Neuromodulation conference series is recognized as as among the preeminent meetings presenting advanced neurotechnolgy with a focus on brain stimulation (neuromodulation) approaches such as transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Deep Brain Stimulation, and Spinal Cord Stimulation. The CCNY Neural Engineering group is among the most productive and recognized R&D labs in the worlds, making NYC Neuromodulation a natural showcase for its work.

The NYC Neuromodulation conferences are produced through Neuromodec, a broader initiative supported by CCNY Neural Engineering which includes conference productions and listings, job and clinician search tools, and informational pages such as “What is Spinal Cord Stimulation?” and “What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation?

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Marom Bikson
New paper: Limited sensitivity of Hippocampal synaptic function or network oscillations to unmodulated kilohertz electric fields

New publication in eNeuro

Zeinab Esmaeilpour, Mark Jackson, Greg Kronberg, Rosana Esteller, Brad Hershey, and Marom Bikson

eNeuro 16th December 2020, ENEURO. 0368-20.2020;


Understanding the cellular mechanisms of kHz electrical stimulation is of a broad interest in neuromodulation including forms of transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), interferential stimulation, and high-rate spinal cord stimulation (SCS). Yet, the well-established low-pass filtering by neuronal membranes suggests minimal neuronal polarization in response to charge-balanced kHz stimulation. The hippocampal brain slice model is among the most studied systems in neuroscience and exhaustively characterized in screening the effects of electrical stimulation. High-frequency electric fields of varied amplitudes (1-150 V/m), waveforms (sinusoidal, symmetrical pule, asymmetrical pulse), and frequencies (1 and10 kHz) were tested. Changes in single or paired-pulse field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSP) in CA1 were measured in response to radial- and tangential-directed electric fields, with a brief (30 s) or long (30 min) application times. The effects of kHz stimulation on ongoing endogenous network activity were tested in carbachol-induced gamma oscillation of CA3a and CA3c. Across 23 conditions evaluated, no significant changes in fEPSP were resolved, while responses were detected for within-slice control DC fields. 1 kHz sinusoidal and pulse stimulation (≥60 V/m), but not 10 kHz induced changes in an oscillating neuronal network. We thus report no responses to low-amplitude 1 kHz or any 10 kHz fields, suggesting that any brain sensitivity to these fields is via yet-to-be-determined mechanism(s) of action which was not identified in our experimental preparation.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT There a large mismatch between enthusiasm for clinical treatments using kHz frequency electrical stimulation and the understanding of kHz mechanisms of action. Indeed, the well-established low-pass properties of cell membranes should attenuate any response to kHz stimulation. This study presents the largest and broadest characterization of the cellular effects of kHz stimulation using the most established animal model to detect CNS sensitivity to electric fields: Our work systematically evaluated sensitivity of hippocampal synaptic function and oscillatory network activity in response to kHz. Only at low kHz (1 kHz but not 10 kHz) with high intensity and during oscillations responses were detected. These systematic and largely negative experimental series suggest kHz neuromodulation operates via yet to be determined mechanisms.

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NYC Neuromodulation 2020 poster session

The CCNY Neural Engineering lab will support the organization of NYC Neuromodulation 2020 poster session. The conference is co-chaired by Dr. Marom Bikson, and Zeinab Esmaeilpour and Nigel Gebodh serve on the conference abstract committee.

It will be a virtual poster session designed around a “home” page for each accepted poster. That homepage will include a long abstract, the poster, a presenting author bio and professional hyperlinks, and (optional) a short video. See example homepage here >>. You have until December 15th, 2020 at 11:59 PM (ET) to upload, review, and edit your submission (your abstract home page). Submission will be reviewed by the abstract committee on December 16th, 2020 and notices will be sent out to accepted authors.

On December 18th, 2020 at 9 AM (ET), all accepted abstracts will be publicly available, and will remain so indefinitely. Only from Dec 18th, 2020 9 AM (ET) until Dec 22, 2020 5 PM (ET) there will be a comment session open. Anyone who creates an account can post a comment and the author (or other commentators) can respond. These comments will be independently moderated (author may bring inappropriate comments to the attention of moderator for review/ removal) for professional content and frozen on Dec 22, 2020 5 PM (ET).

All accepted abstracts will be citable through the conference. Authors may select to have their abstract also published in Brain Stimulation journal. Abstracts selected for this process must contain at least some new analysis, new data, and/or new discussion. Abstracts selected for this process will be subject to secondary review by Brain Stimulation (which will occur after Dec 22, 2020).

For full event details and abstract submission go here

Marom Bikson
New paper: Update on the Use of Transcranial Electrical Brain Stimulation to Manage Acute and Chronic COVID-19 Symptoms

New publication in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Update on the Use of Transcranial Electrical Brain Stimulation to Manage Acute and Chronic COVID-19 Symptoms

Giuseppina Pilloni, Marom Bikson, Bashar W. Badran, Mark S. George, Steven A. Kautz, Alexandre Hideki Okano, Abrahão Fontes Baptista & Leigh E. Charvet

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | (2020) 14:595567 |

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Abtract: The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in the urgent need to develop and deploy treatment approaches that can minimize mortality and morbidity. As infection, resulting illness, and the often prolonged recovery period continue to be characterized, therapeutic roles for transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) have emerged as promising non-pharmacological interventions. tES techniques have established therapeutic potential for managing a range of conditions relevant to COVID-19 illness and recovery, and may further be relevant for the general management of increased mental health problems during this time. Furthermore, these tES techniques can be inexpensive, portable, and allow for trained self-administration. Here, we summarize the rationale for using tES techniques, specifically transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), across the COVID-19 clinical course, and index ongoing efforts to evaluate the inclusion of tES optimal clinical care.

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New paper: Applications of Non-invasive Neuromodulation for the Management of Disorders Related to COVID-19

New publication in Frontiers in Neurology

Applications of Non-invasive Neuromodulation for the Management of Disorders Related to COVID-19

Abrahão Fontes Baptista, Adriana Baltar, Alexandre Hideki Okano, Alexandre Moreira, Ana Carolina Pinheiro Campos, Ana Mércia Fernandes, André Russowsky Brunoni, Bashar W. Badran, Clarice Tanaka, Daniel Ciampi de Andrade, Daniel Gomes da Silva Machado, Edgard Morya, Eduardo Trujillo, Jaiti K. Swami, Joan A. Camprodon, Katia Monte-Silva, Katia Nunes Sá, Isadora Nunes, Juliana Barbosa Goulardins, Marom Bikson, Pedro Sudbrack-Oliveira, Priscila de Carvalho, Rafael Jardim Duarte-Moreira, Rosana Lima Pagano, Samuel Katsuyuki Shinjo & Yossi Zana

Frontiers in Neurology | (2020) 11:573718 |

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Background: Novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) morbidity is not restricted to the respiratory system, but also affects the nervous system. Non-invasive neuromodulation may be useful in the treatment of the disorders associated with COVID-19.

Objective: To describe the rationale and empirical basis of the use of non-invasive neuromodulation in the management of patients with COVID-10 and related disorders.

Methods: We summarize COVID-19 pathophysiology with emphasis of direct neuroinvasiveness, neuroimmune response and inflammation, autonomic balance and neurological, musculoskeletal and neuropsychiatric sequela. This supports the development of a framework for advancing applications of non-invasive neuromodulation in the management COVID-19 and related disorders.

Results: Non-invasive neuromodulation may manage disorders associated with COVID-19 through four pathways: (1) Direct infection mitigation through the stimulation of regions involved in the regulation of systemic anti-inflammatory responses and/or autonomic responses and prevention of neuroinflammation and recovery of respiration; (2) Amelioration of COVID-19 symptoms of musculoskeletal pain and systemic fatigue; (3) Augmenting cognitive and physical rehabilitation following critical illness; and (4) Treating outbreak-related mental distress including neurological and psychiatric disorders exacerbated by surrounding psychosocial stressors related to COVID-19. The selection of the appropriate techniques will depend on the identified target treatment pathway.

Conclusion: COVID-19 infection results in a myriad of acute and chronic symptoms, both directly associated with respiratory distress (e.g., rehabilitation) or of yet-to-be-determined etiology (e.g., fatigue). Non-invasive neuromodulation is a toolbox of techniques that based on targeted pathways and empirical evidence (largely in non-COVID-19 patients) can be investigated in the management of patients with COVID-19.

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New paper: Role of skin tissue layers and ultra-structure in transcutaneous electrical stimulation including tDCS

New publication Physics in Medicine & Biology

Role of skin tissue layers and ultra-structure in transcutaneous electrical stimulation including tDCS

Niranjan Khadka & Marom Bikson

Physics in Medicine & Biology | (2020) 65:22 |

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Abstract: Background. During transcranial electrical stimulation (tES), including transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), current density concentration around the electrode edges that is predicted by simplistic skin models does not match experimental observations of erythema, heating, or other adverse events. We hypothesized that enhancing models to include skin anatomical details, would alter predicted current patterns to align with experimental observations. Method. We develop a high-resolution multi-layer skin model (epidermis, dermis, and fat), with or without additional ultra-structures (hair follicles, sweat glands, and blood vessels). Current flow patterns across each layer and within ultra-structures were predicted using finite element methods considering a broad range of modeled tissue parameters including 78 combinations of skin layer conductivities (S m–1): epidermis (standard: 1.05 × 10−5; range: 1.05 × 10−6 to 0.465); dermis (standard: 0.23; range: 0.0023 to 23), fat (standard: 2 × 10−4; range: 0.02 to 2 × 10−5). The impact of each ultra-structures in isolation and combination was evaluated with varied basic geometries. An integrated final model is then developed. Results. Consistent with prior models, current flow through homogenous skin was annular (concentrated at the electrode edges). In multi-layer skin, reducing epidermis conductivity and/or increasing dermis conductivity decreased current near electrode edges, however no realistic tissue layer parameters produced non-annular current flow at both epidermis and dermis. Addition of just hair follicles, sweat glands, or blood vessels resulted in current peaks around each ultrastructure, irrespective of proximity to electrode edges. Addition of only sweat glands was the most effective approach in reducing overall current concentration near electrode edges. Representation of blood vessels resulted in a uniform current flow across the vascular network. Finally, we ran the first realistic model of current flow across the skin. Conclusion. We confirm prior models exhibiting current concentration near hair follicles or sweat glands, but also exhibit that an overall annular pattern of current flow remains for realistic tissue parameters. We model skin blood vessels for the first time and show that this robustly distributes current across the vascular network, consistent with experimental erythema patterns. Only a state-of-the-art precise model of skin current flow predicts lack of current concentration near electrode edges across all skin layers.

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New paper: Safety & recommendations for TMS use in healthy subjects and patient populations, with updates 2020

New Publication in Clinical Neurophysiology

Safety and recommendations for TMS use in healthy subjects and patient populations, with updates on training, ethical and regulatory issues: Expert Guidelines

Simone Rossi, Andrea Antal, Sven Bestmann, Marom Bikson, Carmen Brewer, Jürgen Brockmöller, Linda L. Carpenter, Massimo Cincotta, Robert Chen, Jeff D. Daskalakis, Vincenzo Di Lazzaro, Michael D. Fox, Mark S. George, Donald Gilbert, Vasilios K. Kimiskidis, Giacomo Koch, Risto J. Ilmoniemi, Jean Pascal Lefaucheur, Letizia Leocani, Sarah H. Lisanby, Carlo Miniussi, Frank Padberg, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Walter Paulus, Angel V. Peterchev, Angelo Quartarone, Alexander Rotenberg, John Rothwell, Paolo M. Rossini, Emiliano Santarnecchi, Mouhsin M. Shafi, Hartwig R. Siebner, Yoshikatzu Ugawa, Eric M. Wassermann, Abraham Zangen, Ulf Ziemann, & Mark Hallett

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Abstract: This article is based on a consensus conference, promoted and supported by the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN), which took place in Siena (Italy) in October 2018. The meeting intended to update the ten-year-old safety guidelines for the application of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in research and clinical settings (Rossi et al., 2009). Therefore, only emerging and new issues are covered in detail, leaving still valid the 2009 recommendations regarding the description of conventional or patterned TMS protocols, the screening of subjects/patients, the need of neurophysiological monitoring for new protocols, the utilization of reference thresholds of stimulation, the managing of seizures and the list of minor side effects.

New issues discussed in detail from the meeting up to April 2020 are safety issues of recently developed stimulation devices and pulse configurations; duties and responsibility of device makers; novel scenarios of TMS applications such as in the neuroimaging context or imaging-guided and robot-guided TMS; TMS interleaved with transcranial electrical stimulation; safety during paired associative stimulation interventions; and risks of using TMS to induce therapeutic seizures (magnetic seizure therapy).

An update on the possible induction of seizures, theoretically the most serious risk of TMS, is provided. It has become apparent that such a risk is low, even in patients taking drugs acting on the central nervous system, at least with the use of traditional stimulation parameters and focal coils for which large data sets are available. Finally, new operational guidelines are provided for safety in planning future trials based on traditional and patterned TMS protocols, as well as a summary of the minimal training requirements for operators, and a note on ethics of neuroenhancement.

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Bikson speaks at 2020 Neurotech Leaders Forum

2020 Neurotech Leaders Forum, November 16-17, 2020

Embassy Suites, San Francisco Airport Waterfront and Online, Program details

Dr. Marom Bikson to join panel on “Repelling the Invasion: Surface Stimulation Makes a Comeback” to speak on “Non-invasive Neuromodulation. Going home (in the time of COVID).”

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Marom Bikson
New paper: Temporal interference stimulation targets deep brain regions by modulating neural oscillations

New publication in Brain Stimulation

Temporal interference stimulation targets deep brain regions by modulating neural oscillations

Zeinab Esmaeilpour, Greg Kronberg, Davide Reato, Lucas C. Parra, & Marom Bikson

Brain Stimulation | (2020) 11(7) |



Temporal interference (TI) stimulation of the brain generates amplitude-modulated electric fields oscillating in the kHz range with the goal of non-invasive targeted deep brain stimulation. Yet, the current intensities required in human (sensitivity) to modulate deep brain activity and if superficial brain region are spared (selectivity) at these intensities remains unclear.


We developed an experimentally constrained theory for TI sensitivity to kHz electric field given the attenuation by membrane low-pass filtering property, and for TI selectivity to deep structures given the distribution of modulated and unmodulated electric fields in brain.


The electric field threshold to modulate carbachol-induced gamma oscillations in rat hippocampal slices was determined for unmodulated 0.05-2 kHz sine waveforms, and 5 Hz amplitude-modulated waveforms with 0.1-2 kHz carrier frequencies. The neuronal effects are replicated with a computational network model to explore the underlying mechanisms, and then coupled to a validated current-flow model of the human head.


Amplitude-modulated electric fields are stronger in deep brain regions, while unmodulated electric fields are maximal at the cortical regions. Both experiment and model confirmed the hypothesis that spatial selectivity of temporal interference stimulation depends on the phasic modulation of neural oscillations only in deep brain regions. Adaptation mechanism (e.g. GABAb) enhanced sensitivity to amplitude modulated waveform in contrast to unmodulated kHz and produced selectivity in modulating gamma oscillation (i.e. Higher gamma modulation in amplitude modulated vs unmodulated kHz stimulation). Selection of carrier frequency strongly affected sensitivity to amplitude modulation stimulation. Amplitude modulated stimulation with 100 Hz carrier frequency required ∼5 V/m (corresponding to ∼13 mA at the scalp surface), whereas, 1 kHz carrier frequency ∼60 V/m (∼160 mA) and 2 kHz carrier frequency ∼80 V/m (∼220 mA) to significantly modulate gamma oscillation. Sensitivity is increased (scalp current required decreased) for theoretical neuronal membranes with faster time constants.


The TI sensitivity (current required at the scalp) depends on the neuronal membrane time-constant (e.g. axons) approaching the kHz carrier frequency. TI selectivity is governed by network adaption (e.g. GABAb) that is faster than the amplitude-modulation frequency. Thus, we show neuronal and network oscillations time-constants determine the scalp current required and the selectivity achievable with TI in humans.

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New paper: Comparison of cortical network effects of HD and pad tDCS during visuomotor processing

New publication in Brain Stimulation

Comparison of cortical network effects of high-definition and conventional tDCS during visuomotor processing

Pejman Sehatpour, Clément Dondé, Devin Adair, Johanna Kreither, Javier Lopez-Calderon, Michael Avissar, Marom Bikson, & Daniel C. Javitt

Brain Stimulation | (2021) 14(1):33-35 |

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CCNY Neural Engineering Group at 7th International Conference on NiBS
Work from the Bikson lat at the conference includes new models of ECT using “adaptive” methods.

Work from the Bikson lat at the conference includes new models of ECT using “adaptive” methods.

(Updated) The CCNY Neural Engineering Group will have multiple presentations at the upcoming 7th International Conference on Non-invasive Brain Stimulation:

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020:

17:45-18:45 CET (UTC+1) | Zoom-Webinar 1: Workshop: NIBS teaching course – Modelling of TMS and TES induced electrical fields in the brain | Marom Bikson, Slides PDF Watch Bikson portion here

14:00 CET (UTC+1) | ePoster NIBS | Station 2: Effect of Electrode Preparation on Static Impedance in Electroconvulsive Therapy | Samantha Cohen et al. PDF. Video presentation available here.

14:00-16:00 CET (UTC+1) | ePoster NIBS | Station 10: Dynamic Models of Electroconvulsive Therapy: Implications for Programming, Electrodes, and Current Flow | Gozde Unal | Jaiti Swami et al. Poster PDF Read the paper preprint here

14:00-16:00 CET (UTC+1) | ePoster NIBS | Station 1: A new look, with old data, at the correlation between the static and dynamic impedance during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) | Carliza Canela et al. PDF. Video presentation available here.

16:00 CET (UTC+1) | ePoster DGKN | Station 2: Mechanisms of Temporal Interference (TI) stimulation | Zeinab Esmaeilpour et al. Poster PDF . And read the paper here in Brain Stimulation journal. Video presentation available here.

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020:

14:00-14:45 CET (UTC+1) | NIBS PLENARY Livestream 1: Shared mechanisms of tDCS, tACS, Temporal Interference Stimulation, and ECT | Marom Bikson, download slides PDF Watch video here

17:30–18:00 CET (UTC+1) | Livestream 4: High-resolution modeling and large-animal validation of transcutaneous direct current stimulation of neurorehabilitation | Marom Bikson, Download slides PDF Watch video here

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New paper: Case Series of tDCS as an Augmentation Strategy for Attention Bias Modification Treatment in Adolescents with Anxiety Disorders

New publication in Clinical Psychology and Special Education

Case Series of tDCS as an Augmentation Strategy for Attention Bias Modification Treatment in Adolescents with Anxiety

Daniella Vaclavik, Michele Bechor, Adriana Foster, Leonard M. Gralnik, Yair Bar-Haim, Daniel S. Pine, Marom Bikson, Wendy K. Silverman, Bethany C. Reeb-Sutherland, & Jeremy W. Pettit

Clinical Psychology and Special Education | (2020) 9:3 |

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Abstract: This article presents the results of a case series to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and clinical promise of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) as an augmentation strategy in clinic referred adolescents. Attention Bias Modification Treatment (ABMT) is a computer-based attention-training protocol designed to reduce rapidly deployed attention orienting to threat and thereby reduce anxiety symptom severity. Studies of ABMT reveal overall small to medium effect sizes. Advances in the neural underpinnings of attention to threat and attention-training protocols suggest the potential of tDCS of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) as a novel augmentation strategy to enhance ABMT’s efficacy (ABMT + tDCS). However, tDCS has never been tested in a sample of adolescents with anxiety disorders. Six adolescents with a primary anxiety disorder completed all four ABMT + tDCS sessions. Adverse effects were mild and transient. Adolescents and parents independently reported fair to excellent levels of satisfaction. Impairment ratings of the primary anxiety disorder significantly decreased. Further, electrophysiological data recorded via electroencephalography (EEG) suggested decreases in neural resources allocated to threat. These findings support the feasibility, acceptability, and clinical promise of tDCS as an augmentation strategy in adolescents with anxiety disorders, and provide the impetus for further investigation using randomized controlled designs in larger samples.

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New paper: Modulation of solute diffusivity in brain tissue by tDCS

New publication in Nature Scientific Reports

Modulation of solute diffusivity in brain tissue as a novel mechanism of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)

Yifan Xia, Wasem Khalid, Zhaokai Yin, Guangyao Huang, Marom Bikson & Bingmei M. Fu

Scientific Reports | (2020) 10:18488 |

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Abstract: The breadth of brain disorders and functions reported responsive to transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) suggests a generalizable mechanism of action. Prior efforts characterized its cellular targets including neuron, glia and endothelial cells. We propose tDCS also modulates the substance transport in brain tissue. High resolution multiphoton microscopy imaged the spread across rat brain tissue of fluorescently-labeled solutes injected through the carotid artery after tDCS. The effective solute diffusion coefficient of brain tissue (Deff) was determined from the spatio-temporal solute concentration profiles using an unsteady diffusion transport model. 5–10 min post 20 min–1 mA tDCS, Deff increased by ~ 10% for a small solute, sodium fluorescein, and ~ 120% for larger solutes, BSA and Dex-70k. All increases in Deff returned to the control level 25–30 min post tDCS. A mathematical model for Deff in the extracelluar space (ECS) further predicts that this dose of tDCS increases Deffby transiently enhancing the brain ECS gap spacing by ~ 1.5-fold and accordingly reducing the extracellular matrix density. The cascades leading ECS modulation and its impact on excitability, synaptic function, plasticity, and brain clearance require further study. Modulation of solute diffusivity and ECS could explain diverse outcomes of tDCS and suggest novel therapeutic strategies.

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Marom Bikson
Bikson joins Neuroergonomics Journal panel Oct 27

Neuroergonomics is motivated to effectively apply neuroscientific methods and theories to understand how the brain works in everyday life. About this Event In the #1 installment of the Neuroergonomics Conference webinar series, we are pleased to host the launch of a new journal, Frontiers in Neuroergonomics. We invite the field editors and section editors of this new journal to share with us the opportunities for communicating your research.

Event is sold out but will stream Oct 27, 2020 at 10:30 am at this link

Besides this, we have the honor of hosting Prof. Art Kramer who will give a keynote lecture on “Implications of Physical Activity and Exercise on Cognitive and Brain Health.”.

This will be a great opportunity to meet like-minded colleagues and to find out ways to contribute to our rapidly growing community. See you there!!! Disclaimer: The Neuroergonomics Conference is a non-profit community-led initiative, independent from Frontiers Media S.A.

Program (Eastern Standard Time) 10:30 am -- Meet & Greet You, You, You and You Small breakout rooms to get to make new friends and catch up with old ones.

11:00 am -- Welcome remarks Field Chief Editors of the Frontiers Journal of Neuroergonomics Hasan Ayaz, Waldemar Karwowski, Frederic Dehais

11:15 am -- Panel Discussion "The many facets of Neuroergonomics" Specialty Chief Editors of the Frontiers Journal of Neuroergonomics Marom Bikson, Anne-Marie Brouwer, Daniel Callan, Stephen Fairclough, Klaus Gramann, Frank Krueger, Fabien Lotte, Stephene Perrey

11:45 am -- Keynote Talk "Implications of Physical Activity and Exercise on Cognitive and Brain Health" Art Kramer, Center for Cognitive and Brain Health, Northeastern University, US

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Marom Bikson
New Chapter: "Transcranial Electrical Stimulation" in Neural Engineering

Dr. Dennis Q. Truong, Dr. Niranjan Khadka, and Dr. Marom Bikson publish a chapter "Transcranial Electrical Stimulation" in the textbook Neural Engineering, edited by Bin He, published by Springer.

Download the chapter PDF

Chapter abstract: Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) includes a range of devices where electric current is applied to electrodes on the head to modulate brain function. Various tES devices are applied to indications spanning neurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro-rehabilitation after injury, and altering cognition in healthy adults. All tES devices share certain common features including a waveform generator (typically current controlled), disposable electrodes or electrolyte, and an adhesive or headgear to position the electrodes. tES “dose” is defined by the size and position of electrodes and the waveform (current pattern, duration, and intensity). Many subclasses of tES are named based on dose. This chapter is largely focused on low-intensity (few mA) tES. Low-intensity tES includes transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS), transcranial alternating- current stimulation (tACS), and transcranial pulsed-current stimulation (tPCS). Electrode design is important for reproducibility, tolerability, and influences when and what dose can be applied. Stimulation impedance measurements monitor contact quality, while current control is typically used to ensure consistent current delivery despite electrode impedance unknowns. Computational current flow models support device design and programming by informing dose selection for a given outcome. Consensus on the safety and tolerability of tES is protocol-specific, but medical-grade tES devices minimize risk.

Keywords Transcranial · Electrical · Stimulation · tES · tDCS · tACS · tPCS · Neuromodulation · Electrode design · Noninvasive · Medical devices

Full book information

Marom Bikson
New pub: Noninvasive Vagal Nerve Stimulation to Stress-Related Psychiatric Disorders

Application of Noninvasive Vagal Nerve Stimulation to Stress-Related Psychiatric Disorders

PMID: 32916852 DOI: 10.3390/jpm10030119 PDF

James Douglas Bremner, Nil Z Gurel, Matthew T Wittbrodt, Mobashir H Shandhi, Mark H Rapaport, Jonathon A Nye, Bradley D Pearce, Viola Vaccarino, Amit J Shah, Jeanie Park, Marom Bikson, Omer T Inan


Background: Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS) has been shown to be efficacious for the treatment of depression, but to date, VNS devices have required surgical implantation, which has limited widespread implementation. Methods: New noninvasive VNS (nVNS) devices have been developed which allow external stimulation of the vagus nerve, and their effects on physiology in patients with stress-related psychiatric disorders can be measured with brain imaging, blood biomarkers, and wearable sensing devices. Advantages in terms of cost and convenience may lead to more widespread implementation in psychiatry, as well as facilitate research of the physiology of the vagus nerve in humans. nVNS has effects on autonomic tone, cardiovascular function, inflammatory responses, and central brain areas involved in modulation of emotion, all of which make it particularly applicable to patients with stress-related psychiatric disorders, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, since dysregulation of these circuits and systems underlies the symptomatology of these disorders. Results: This paper reviewed the physiology of the vagus nerve and its relevance to modulating the stress response in the context of application of nVNS to stress-related psychiatric disorders. Conclusions: nVNS has a favorable effect on stress physiology that is measurable using brain imaging, blood biomarkers of inflammation, and wearable sensing devices, and shows promise in the prevention and treatment of stress-related psychiatric disorders.

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Marom Bikson
Bikson to give NIH Keynote at Academy of Aphasia 2020

Prof. Marom Bikson to give the NIH keynote at the Academy of Aphasia 58th Annual Meeting 18-20 October, 2020 (online)

Title:  transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) boosts capacity for plasticity

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) applies low-intensity current across the scalp in order to modulate brain function including to enhance neurorehabilitation. This talk explains the basics of tDCS technology, how tDCS can be customized to patients with brain injury, and how tDCS boosts the capacity for brain plasticity. 

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Meeting website

Meeting information:

General keynote speaker is Dr. Elissa Newport of Georgetown University. Dr. Newport is a Professor of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine at the Georgetown University Medical Center, where she directs the Center for Brain Plasticity and Recovery. Dr. Newport runs the Learning and Development Lab, which studies the acquisition of language, the relationship between language acquisition and language structure, and the Pediatric Stroke Research Project, which studies the recovery of language after damage to the brain early in life.She has been recognized by a number of organizations for the impact of her theoretical and empirical contributions to the field of language acquisition. She has been elected as a fellow in the Association for Psychological Science, the Society of Experimental Psychologists, the Cognitive Science Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences. Her research has been supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the McDonnell Foundation, and the Packard Foundation. In 2015 she received the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science.

Now in its third year, the NIDCD-funded Academy of Aphasia conference grant (R13 DC017375-01) will sponsor student fellows for focused mentoring and training, and includes a of state-of-the-art New Frontiers in Aphasia Research seminar. This year's topic will focus on transcranial direct current stimulation, and the NIH keynote speaker will be Dr. Marom Bikson of The City College of New York. Dr. Bikson is the Shames Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering where he directs the Neural Engineering Group. His work studies the effects of electricity on the human body and applies this knowledge toward the development of medical devices and electrical safety guidelines, including transcranial direct current stimulation. Both U.S. and international students are eligible to apply. Please contact Swathi Kiran ( with inquiries.

Marom Bikson