NYC Neuromodulation 2020 poster session

The CCNY Neural Engineering lab will support the organization of NYC Neuromodulation 2020 poster session. The conference is co-chaired by Dr. Marom Bikson, and Zeinab Esmaeilpour and Nigel Gebodh serve on the conference abstract committee.

It will be a virtual poster session designed around a “home” page for each accepted poster. That homepage will include a long abstract, the poster, a presenting author bio and professional hyperlinks, and (optional) a short video. See example homepage here >>. You have until December 15th, 2020 at 11:59 PM (ET) to upload, review, and edit your submission (your abstract home page). Submission will be reviewed by the abstract committee on December 16th, 2020 and notices will be sent out to accepted authors.

On December 18th, 2020 at 9 AM (ET), all accepted abstracts will be publicly available, and will remain so indefinitely. Only from Dec 18th, 2020 9 AM (ET) until Dec 22, 2020 5 PM (ET) there will be a comment session open. Anyone who creates an account can post a comment and the author (or other commentators) can respond. These comments will be independently moderated (author may bring inappropriate comments to the attention of moderator for review/ removal) for professional content and frozen on Dec 22, 2020 5 PM (ET).

All accepted abstracts will be citable through the conference. Authors may select to have their abstract also published in Brain Stimulation journal. Abstracts selected for this process must contain at least some new analysis, new data, and/or new discussion. Abstracts selected for this process will be subject to secondary review by Brain Stimulation (which will occur after Dec 22, 2020).

For full event details and abstract submission go here

Marom Bikson