New publication: Quasi-static approximation error of electric field analysis for tCS
Quasi-static approximation error of electric feld analysis for transcranial current stimulation.
J. Neural Eng. 20 (2023) 016027 PDF journal link
Gabriel Gaugain 1, , Lorette Quéguiner 1 , Marom Bikson 2 , Ronan Sauleau 1 , Maxim Zhadobov 1 , Julien Modolo 3 and Denys Nikolayev 1
1 Univ Rennes, CNRS, IETR (Institut d’électronique et des technologies du numérique) - UMR 6164, 35000 Rennes, France 2 Department of Biomedical Engineering, The City College of New York, CUNY, New York, NY, United States of America 3 Univ Rennes, INSERM, LTSI (Laboratoire traitement du signal et de l’image) – U1099, 35000 Rennes, France ∗
Abstract Objective. Numerical modeling of electric fields induced by transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is currently a part of the standard procedure to predict and understand neural response. Quasi-static approximation (QSA) for electric field calculations is generally applied to reduce the computational cost. Here, we aimed to analyze and quantify the validity of the approximation over a broad frequency range. Approach. We performed electromagnetic modeling studies using an anatomical head model and considered approximations assuming either a purely ohmic medium (i.e. static formulation) or a lossy dielectric medium (QS formulation). The results were compared with the solution of Maxwell’s equations in the cases of harmonic and pulsed signals. Finally, we analyzed the effect of electrode positioning on these errors. Main results. Our findings demonstrate that the QSA is valid and produces a relative error below 1% up to 1.43 MHz. The largest error is introduced in the static case, where the error is over 1% across the entire considered spectrum and as high as 20% in the brain at 10 Hz. We also highlight the special importance of considering the capacitive effect of tissues for pulsed waveforms, which prevents signal distortion induced by the purely ohmic approximation. At the neuron level, the results point a difference of sense electric field as high as 22% at focusing point, impacting pyramidal cells firing times. Significance. QSA remains valid in the frequency range currently used for tACS. However, neglecting permittivity (static formulation) introduces significant error for both harmonic and non-harmonic signals. It points out that reliable low frequency dielectric data are needed for accurate transcranial current stimulation numerical modeling.