Marom Bikson at NANS 2023

Prof. Marom Bikson will moderate and present content at the NANS 2023 meeting.

Jan 12, 2023 8 AM - Pre-conference workshop “Engineering Principles of DBS and SCS in Clinical Practice: General Introduction and Emerging Concepts” co-directed by Scott Lempka and Marom Bikson.

Dr. Bikson will also present: “Neurostimulation fundamentals: Dose, current flow, and neural activation”. Download PDF

Jan 13, 2023, 10:30 AM. Session “F6 - Neural Engineering: Engineering Principles of DBS and SCS in Clinical Practice: Emerging Concepts”. Dr. Bikson speaks on “SCS: Synaptic Evoked Potentials” Downloads slides PDF

Jan 13, 2023, 4 PM. Session “F7 - Neuromodulation Fundamentals: Non-Neuronal Effects”. Dr. Bikson speaks on “SCS: Neurovascular modulation and heating” Download slides PDF

Also on Jan 14, 2024 10:30 AM Dr. Bikson moderates session “S6 - Novel Indications of Non-Invasive Neurostimulation Technologies”

Marom Bikson