Neural Engineering Seminar by Daniel Miklody. Oct 31

Daniel Miklody. Oct 31 at 2 pm on the 5th floor BME conference room.

Individualized head models through electrical impedance measurements

In EEG source localization,transcranial current stimulation (tCS) and other topics in neuroscience, a model of the volume conduction properties of the head is needed to estimate e.g. the sources of activity in EEG or the areas of stimulation for tCS.

To create a model, two approaches seem predominant: either an individual MRI is obtained out of which a model is created or an average head model is used. An MRI is expensive and the process to receive a head model very time consuming and labour intensive. Average head models are much cheaper but systematic errors occur through the individual differences in anatomy and conductivities. The anatomy can be morphed to fit the outer head shape as measured by localization devices. The results are acceptable but modeling errors still occur.

I am introducing a new approach to this topic, which involves Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) to individualize the headmodel. Therefor small electric currents are injected through a standard set of EEG electrodes. The pattern of injection is alternating between injection pairs and the resulting scalp potential is measured on the rest. The measured data is then used to individualize an average head model involving non-linear optimization techniques from machine learning.

In my talk I will give a gentle introduction to different ways of modeling the head (concentric spheres, spherical harmonics, BEM and FEM), their advantages and drawbacks.

I will continue with an introduction to Electrical Impedance Tomography and different approaches within. I will also present the EIT device (virtually only) that I have designed an constructed within my Master’s thesis and some of the results.

Currently I am working on two algorithms for this problem in parallel: a leadfield based approach and a geometry based approach involving dimensionality reduction through PCA. I will introduce some basic concepts of those.

I will also present some preliminary results on 4-shell (scalp,skull,CSF,brain) BEM head modeling and the leadfield based approach.

Neural Engineering
“Edison” Computational Cluster Installed

Through support from the DURIP mechanism of the DoD (PO Patrick Bradshaw, PI Marom Bikson). the Neural Engineering group is excited to activate our newest and most powerful cluster: Edison. Starting with 204 cores. 2.6 TB optimized for high-throughput and massive-scale finite element modeling of transcranial electrical stimulation.

Good job Andy Huang and Dennis Truong along with staff from DEH Microsystems.


Neural Engineering
Special NE Seminar: Moritz Dannhauer

Moritz Dannhauer, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah

“Simulating noninvasive brain stimulation using SCIRun: an open source software package.”

Sept 26, 2014 at 2 PM. BME Conference room 402 – Steinman Hall


In my talk I will present how to setup, solve and analyze simulations of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques (tDCS, TMS) using SCIRun.

SCIRun is a generic tool to solve scientific problems that contains a software package called “BrainStimulator” in the new version SCIRun5.

I will explain goals, algorithms and implementation details regarding these simulations.

Neural Engineering
New Paper: tDCS in Pediatric Stroke

Pediatric Stroke and transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: Methods for Rational Individualized Dose Optimization

Bernadette T. Gillick, Adam Kirton, Jason Carmel, Preet Minhas and Marom Bikson

Front. Hum. Neurosci. | doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00739

Free online

Background- Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been investigated mainly in adults and doses may not be appropriate in pediatric applications. In perinatal stroke where potential applications are promising, rational adaptation of dosage for children remains under investigation. Objective – Construct child-specific tDCS dosing parameters through case study within a perinatal stroke tDCS safety and feasibility trial. Methods- 10-year-old subject with a diagnosis of presumed perinatal ischemic stroke and hemiparesis was identified. T1 MRI scans used to derive computerized model for current flow and electrode positions. Workflow using modeling results and consideration of dosage in previous clinical trials was incorporated. Prior Ad hoc adult montages versus de novo optimized montages provided distinct risk benefit analysis. Approximating adult dose required consideration of changes in both peak brain current flow and distribution which further tradeoff between maximizing efficacy and adding safety factors. Electrode size, position, current intensity, compliance voltage, and duration were controlled independently in this process. Results- Brain electric fields modeled and compared to values previously predicted models. Approximating conservative brain current flow patterns and intensities used in previous adult trials for comparable indications, the optimal current intensity established was 0.7 mA for 10 minutes with a tDCS C3/C4 montage. Specifically 0.7 mA produced comparable peak brain current intensity of an average adult receiving 1.0 mA. Electrode size of 5×7 cm2 with 1.0 mA and low-voltage tDCS was employed to maximize tolerability. Safety and feasibility confirmed with subject tolerating the session well and no serious adverse events. Conclusion- Rational approaches to dose customization, with steps informed by computational modeling, may improve guidance for pediatric stroke tDCS trials.

Neural Engineering
New Paper: tDCS facilitates cognitive multi-task performance

Transcranial direct current stimulation facilitates cognitive multi-task performance differentially depending on anode location and subtask 

M.Scheldrup, P.M. Greenwood, R. McKendrick, J. Strohl, M. Bikson, M. Alam, R.A.McKinley, R. Parasuraman.

Front. Hum. Neurosci. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00665  Free ONLINE

Abstract: There is a need to facilitate acquisition of real world cognitive multi-tasks that require long periods of training (e.g., air traffic control, intelligence analysis, medicine). Non-invasive brain stimulation – specifically transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) – has promise as a method to speed multi-task training. We hypothesized that during acquisition of the complex multi-task Space Fortress, subtasks that require focused attention on ship control would benefit from tDCS aimed at the dorsal attention network while subtasks that require redirection of attention would benefit from tDCS aimed at the right hemisphere ventral attention network. We compared effects of 30 min prefrontal and parietal stimulation to right and left hemispheres on subtask performance during the first 45 min of training. The strongest effects both overall and for ship flying (control and velocity subtasks) were seen with a right parietal (C4 to left shoulder) montage, shown by modeling to induce an electric field that includes nodes in both dorsal and ventral attention networks. This is consistent with the re-orienting hypothesis that the ventral attention network is activated along with the dorsal attention network if a new, task-relevant event occurs while visuospatial attention is focused (Corbetta et al., 2008). No effects were seen with anodes over sites that stimulated only dorsal (C3) or only ventral (F10) attention networks. The speed subtask (update memory for symbols) benefited from an F9 anode over left prefrontal cortex. These results argue for development of tDCS as a training aid in real world settings where multi-tasking is critical.

Neural Engineering
Dr. Bikson quoted in NY Times and The Atlantic

Our labs work on neuromodulation recognized in several recent press articles including:

The Atlantic. Prepare to Be Shocked. August 13, 2014

New York Times. This Procedure May Improve Your Brain — and Uncover the Real You. July 17, 2014

Neural Engineering
Nature Communications: Brainwaves Can Predict Audience Reaction

Media and marketing experts have long sought a reliable method of forecasting responses from the general population to future products and messages. According to a study conducted at the Neural Engineering group The City College of New York, it appears that the brain responses of just a few individuals are a remarkably strong predictor.

By analyzing the brainwaves of 16 individuals as they watched mainstream television content, researchers led by Prof. Lucas Parra were able to accurately predict the preferences of large TV audiences, up to 90 % in the case of Super Bowl commercials. The findings appear in a paper entitled, “Audience Preferences Are Predicted by Temporal Reliability of Neural Processing,” published July 29, 2014, in “Nature Communications.”

Ready Full CCNY Press Release Here

Neural Engineering
New Paper: Sham Protocols for tDCS

Title: Toward Development of Sham Protocols for High- Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS) 

Jessica D. Richardson, Paul Fillmore, Abhishek Datta, Dennis Truong, Marom Bikson, Julius Fridriksson

NeuroRegulation Vol. 1(1):62-72 2014 doi:10.15540/nr.2014.1.1.62

PDF: Download

Abstract : High-definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) is a noninvasive cortical
stimulation (NICS) technique that, due to the utilization of multi-electrode stimulation, may
enable development of sham conditions characterized by indistinguishable scalp sensations
compared to active conditions, with little or no cortical influence. We sought to contribute to
the development of an optimal sham electrode configuration for HD-tDCS protocols by
gathering ratings of overall sensation reported by participants during different electrode
configurations and current intensities. Twenty healthy participants completed a magnitude
estimation task during which they rated their “overall sensation” in 1-minute intervals during
five 5-minute stimulation conditions. A 5 x 5 (Time x Stimulation condition) analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine if sensation measurements differed over
time, and how this varied by condition. Null hypothesis significance tests and equivalence
tests were conducted to determine which sham conditions were statistically indistinguishable
from the experimental condition. The ANOVA revealed main effects for Time and Stimulation
condition. Planned comparisons, comparing each sham condition to the experimental
condition (4×1 ring configuration, 2 mA), revealed differences in sensation ratings for all but
one condition (Sham 1x1A); no sham conditions were found to be statistically equivalent to
the experimental condition. Our HD-tDCS findings build upon previous NICS reports of
differences in sensation ratings between sham versus experimental conditions when
traditional “ramping down” approaches were used. Alternative multi-electrode configurations
that manipulate electrode placement to shunt current across the scalp warrant further
investigation as valid blinding methods.

Neural Engineering
Video: Unique Engineering Education at The City College of New York – features Neural Engineering

Unique Education at Grove School of Engineering, The City College of New York – features Neural Engineering lab in BME including Dr. Simon Kelly and Dr. Marom Bikson and several students.

What makes CCNY a unique place nationally for undergraduate and gradates students to obtain training in state-of-the-art research techniques and preparation for life long learning and success.  In Dr. Bikson’s word “grit”.

Neural Engineering
Paper: Neural stimulation for the treatment of chronic pain in spinal cord injury

Targeted therapies using electrical and magnetic neural stimulation for the treatment of chronic pain in spinal cord injury

Neuroimage 85 (2014) 1003-1013

Ingrid Moreno-Duarte , Leslie R. Morse, Mahtab Alam, Marom Bikson, Ross Zafonte, Felipe Fregni

Download PDF: Bikson_targetedtherapy               Pubmed link

Chronic neuropathic pain is one of the most common and disabling symptoms in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). Over two-thirds of subjects with SCI suffer from chronic pain influencing quality of life, rehabilitation, and recovery. Given the refractoriness of chronic pain to most pharmacological treatments, the majority of individuals with SCI report worsening of this condition over time. Moreover, only 4–6% of patients in this cohort report improvement. Novel treatments targeting mechanisms associated with pain-maladaptive plasticity, such as electromagnetic neural stimulation, may be desirable to improve outcomes. To date, few, small clinical trials have assessed the effects of invasive and noninvasive nervous system stimulation on pain after SCI.

Neural Engineering