Watch Dr. Bikson talk at BioKorea: What makes HD-tDCS special

This talk given at BioKorea 2020 explains "High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS) : Low-power, Targeted, Non-invasive Electroceuticals for CNS diseases".

HD-tDCS is special among neuromodulation approaches in that it 1) can be delivered with a battery powered device, 2) it is non-invasive and very well tolerated, can be fully wearable, 3) can be targeted to anatomical regions including using individual MRI or EEG, 4) and can be functionally targeted since it is sub-threshold. No other brain stimulation technique combines all these features, and this talk explains each one in turn.

Watch the talk here

Download the talk PDF

All references (and more) can be found on the lab publication page here

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Marom Bikson