Technical walkthrough video of RADO-SCS: an open-source simulation tool for SCS and DRGS with the most detailed anatomy

The Realistic Anatomically Detailed Open-source Spinal Cord Stimulation Model (RADO-SCS) is the most anatomically detailed and open-source spinal cord model for simulating all forms of Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS), DRG stimulation, other forms of spinal cord modulation such as transpinal Direct Current Stimulation (tsDCS), and other forms of spinal modeling such as biomechanical. RADO-SCS is an open source spinal cord stimulation model designed in Solidworks 2016. Model includes detailed structures of the lower thoracic vertebrae (T10-T12) and the spinal column with an emphasis on spinal tissues, nerves, and vasculature. Layers of meninges protecting the gray and white matter such as epidural space, subdural space, arachnoid matter, CSF, and pia matter are designed in detail. Lissauer’s tract and rootlets carrying nerve fibers away from the spinal cord are also included in anatomical detail. STL and Solidworks files for this open source model, as well as any questions on use, can be requested at

This work has been conducted in collaboration between Dr. Marom Bikson's and Scott Lempka’s research groups. This model of this video was published as and can be cited as: Khadka, N., Liu, X., Zander, H., Swami, J., Rogers, E., Lempka, S., Bikson, M., 2020. Realistic anatomically detailed open-source spinal cord stimulation (RADO-SCS) model. J. Neural Eng.

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