IEEE Spectrum features our work on COVID treatments

Zapping the Brain and Nerves Could Treat Long COVID Pilot studies test electrical treatments for the still-mysterious malady” by ELIZA STRICKLAND In IEEE Spectrum. Read the article here

The Bikson lab’s work with New York University (NYU) Langone, Federal University of Paraiba (Brazil), and Medical University of South Carolina were featured.

“Marom Bikson notes that both the research field and the industry of neurostimulation is just getting started. “We don’t have Pfizers of neuromodulation,” he says, “but you can only imagine what would happen if it shows an effect on long COVID.” It could lead to millions of people having stimulators in their homes, he suggests, which could open other doors. “Once you start stimulating for long COVID, you can start stimulating for other things like depression,” he says. But he says it’s crucial to proceed cautiously and not make unsupported claims for neurostimulation’s powers. “Otherwise,” he says, “it could have the opposite effect.”

Marom Bikson