Bikson co-hosts / speaks at Individually Optimized Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation

5th International Network of tES-fMRI (INTF) Webinar on Individually Optimized Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation

May 27th, 2021 for a two-hour webinar on individually optimized non-invasive brain stimulation co-hosted by Marom Bikson and Hamed Ekhtiari.

Registation and full details here

(Dr. Bikson’s presentation slides on “Closed looped stimulation: Why bother?” PDF)

In this online INTF Webinar exploring the Fundamentals & Challenges of Individually Optimized Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, we are joined by Dr Marom Bikson (City University of New York), Dr Til Ole Bergman (University of Mainz), Dr Ines Violante (University of Surrey), Dr Romy Lorenz (University of Cambridge), Dr Alik Widge (University of Minnesota), Dr Flavio Frohlich (University of North Carolina), and Dr Hamed Ekhtiari (Laureate Institute for Brain Research) for two hours of lectures, discussions, and practical challenges, including:

• Closed-loop stimulation

• Brain-state dependent brain stimulation

• A framework for optimizing tES with closed-loop real-time fMRI

• Searching through the large brain stimulation parameter space

• What NIBS can learn from closed-loop invasive brain stimulation

• Closed-loop transcranial alternating current stimulation: Towards personalized treatments

• Online closed-loop real-time tES-fMRI: Potentials and challenges

The knowledge gained in this webinar will provide all attendees with the required knowledge to design, set up, and carry out their own optimized NIBS study, and is suitable for both new users of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, and those with an existing knowledge of how to use these techniques

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Marom Bikson