Bikson speaks at North American Neuromodulation, Dec 11

UPDATE: Slides from talk Bikson_NAN2015final

Dr. Bikson to speak at the NANS 2015 meeting as part of a special session on NIBS.

Meeting details here  Meeting is Dec 10-13 in Las Vegas.

Chair: Felipe Fregni

-Tim Wagner, PhD//Laura Dipietro, PhD

-Leon Morales, MD

-Marom Bikson, PhD

-Dylan Edwards, PhD

Dec 11: Non-Invasive Brain Neurostimulation

-from biophysical foundations to clinical implementation of neurostimulation technologies

-Using qEEG to guide non-invasive brain stimulation

-High-density transcranial direct current stimulation

-Using robotics and other therapies in combination with brain stimulation

Neural Engineering