Bikson Lab at INS 2024, May 11-15

The Bikson lab presents at the International Neuromodulation Society (INS), in Vancouver, Canada. May 11-15, 2024

  1. “Do we need to understand mechanisms to invent the next breakthrough?” Marom Bikson, May 11 in the Innovation in Neuromodulation precon. Slides PDF

  2. “Neurovascular Modulation: Is the Direct Stimulation of Brain Vasculature a Therapeutic Mechanism”, Marom Bikson, May 12, in the Noninvasive Brain Stimulaion) precon. Slides PDF.

  3. “A New Disposable Electotherapy Platform”, Mohamad FallaRad, May 12, in the Noninvasive Brain Stimulaion) precon.

  4. “Sub-Threshold Neuromodulation: Everything Old is New”. Marom Bikson, PLENARY, May 15. Slides PDF

Marom Bikson