Bikson features in IEEE "How a Tiny Electrical Current to the Brain is Treating Medical Symptoms"

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Prof. Marom Bikson discusses both home-based tDCS and HD-tDCS in IEEE “How a Tiny Electrical Current to the Brain Is Treating Medical Symptoms”.

Read the article: PDF

“Bikson, professor of biomedical engineering at City University of New York (CUNY). He is also cofounder of Soterix Medical of New York City, which is developing tDCS for home, clinical, and research applications. On the medical-supervision side, Soterix is working on an automated home system that a clinician (or researcher if it’s part of a research project) can monitor and direct via telemedicine (Figure 4). “There’s a lot of technology that goes into that, including reliable communication between the technology and the site that’s providing the telemedicine, as well as automated software that can collect information from the patient on a daily basis, and can also deliver the prescription that the doctor sets,” Bikson said. “Although the software doesn’t decide what the treatment will be, it can withhold treatment until the patient is ready to receive it based on the doctor’s prescription schedule.”

“Going high-def: Besides the home-based tDCS system, Soterix also developed something quite different for use in research labs and clinics: targeted tDCS that delivers current to precise, small areas of the brain, as compared to the 5x5-cm areas covered by each of the two pads or sponges seen in typical home based systems, Bikson explained. The idea with targeted tDCS is to personalize treatment for individual patients and/or to reduce distinct symptoms. Soterix actually engineered the first noninvasive, targeted, and low-intensity neuromodulation technology, dubbed high-definition tDCS (HD-tDCS), back in 2009. “HD-tDCS and its variants, which include HD-tACS, use an array of smaller electrodes to stimulate specific parts of the brain,”

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Marom Bikson